Activity report

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |

IALC Scholarship Award Ceremony

January 29, 2018

Keio Plaza Hotel 42th Fl. (Fuji Banquet Room)

With the support of the Japan Association of Overseas Studies (JAOS), the International Association of Language Centres (IALC) last December ultimately decided on 69 recipients out of over 300 applicants for a 4-week language study abroad scholarship for those who seek to volunteer at international events in Japan in 2020 and beyond.

Representatives of the language schools in 13 countries around the world (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Spain, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and China) set to receive the scholarships gathered at the Keio Plaza Hotel in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan to participate in the scholarship awarding ceremony.

Seminar on the Legal Revision of the Protection of Personal Information Law

May 24, 2017

Zenken Plaza conference room

In accordance to the May 30th enactment of the amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI),
we invited attorney Keiichiro Ota to lead the “Seminar on the Legal Revision of the Protection of Personal Information Law.”
Because the definition of personal information has been widened and the handling of personal information given to third parties tightened by the amendment, this seminar covered the risks concerning the management of personal information and important points that should be heeded in correspondence to the amendment.

JAOS Seminar on ‘Eating habits and precautions about disease prevention at your study abroad destination’

March 1, 2017

at Zenken Plaza conference room

We held a seminar on what to watch out for regarding eating habits, immunization and disease prevention while studying abroad, with participation from 11 study abroad agents and 6 media correspondents.
As a little extra information you should know while studying abroad, we welcomed our speakers Ayako Seto (Registered Nurse at Sanofi Health Insurance Society, Health Promotion Centre) and Dr Atsuo Hamada (Professor at Tokyo Medical University Hospital, Travel Clinic) to present a seminar on how to eat (including eating out) while overseas in a way that best suits the Japanese diet, whether getting a vaccination during your studies abroad is necessary, and things to look out for regarding diseases and disease prevention at your study abroad destination.
Event was hosted by JAOS, Sanofi KK

20th JAOS/FGER Meeting Held

Feburuary 22, 2017

at AIG Training Center ( Kinshi-cho, Tokyo)

We held the 20th JAOS/FGER (Foreign Government Educational Representative) meeting. The FGER gave a report on the latest trends and the annual activity of studying abroad, Mr. Yokoyama of the Philippine Department of Tourism compared the trends of studying abroad in Japan with Asia, Executive Secretary of JAOS, Hoshino announced the trends in Japanese study abroad based on JAOS statistics, and there was an enthusiastic sharing of information by the attending organizations. There were 28 organizations from JAOS and 10 from FGER (U.S. Commercial Service, Japan-U.S. Educational Commission, Embassy of Canada, British Columbia Trade and Investment Representative Office in Japan, Australian Embassy Marketing Office, Trade and Investment Victoria, Trade & Investment Queensland’s Office in Japan, British Council, Campus France, Philippine Department of Tourism).

JAOS talked about Trend on Japanese students at ICEF Japan-Korea Agent Roadshow Seminar Program

Feburuary 20, 2017

at Keio Plaza Hotel 43th Fl. (Moonlight)

The seminar targeted overseas educational institutions wishing to invite Japanese students, and gave an update on the current situation and trends of the study abroad market in Japan. Overseas educators and study abroad agents (97 study abroad agents for the ICEF) attended.
JAOS Director, Yokoyama, was asked to present a seminar titled, “Update and Trends- The Study Abroad Market in Japan.” The seminar reported the trends of Japanese study abroad students, the number of JAOS applicants, and other statistics.
Host: ICEF

JAOS/Education New Zealand Co-Hosted Agent Workshop and Social Gathering

June 30, 2017

New Zealand Embassy

This was a workshop of roughly 4 hours, which began with an introduction of the SIEBA (Schools International Education Business Association of New Zealand), NZ’s National Association for schools (primary and secondary), and involved announcements by SIEBA’s Executive Director John van der Zwan regarding explanations of the role, positioning, and agents’ benefits of SIEBA; monitoring of agents, who must protect students abroad based on the Code of Practice; new efforts, such as the standardization of formatting for procedural documents that must be submitted; and reminders on ongoing activities.

This was a highly satisfying workshop, as it allowed participants to ask questions and share their opinions, in addition to the information provided by the Executive Director.

” Trend on Japanese Students” , seminar by JAOS for Overseas Educational Institutions

December 7, 2016

at Hotel Okura

Executive Secretary of JAOS, Mr. Tatsuhiko Hoshino, served as a keynote
speaker at  Alphe Workshop held at Okura Hotel on December 7, 2016.
The workshop, organized annually by Study Travel Ltd. provides platform
to match overseas educational institutions with study abroad agencies based in Japan.
Mr. Hoshino presented to over 40 overseas educational institutions on
topic titled  ” Trend on Japanese Students” based on statistics compiled
by 36 JAOS member companies regarding trends of Japanese student
global mobility.

Workshop sponsored by JAOS organization vitalization committee

December 6, 2016


We invited Noriko Matsuo, a former announcer of Fuji Television Network, as a lecturer in order to further boost the communication skills necessary for reception as a counselor for studying abroad. Combined with her experiences of actually being interviewed by various kinds of people as an announcer, she gave us a pleasant talk about knacks of being a speaker such as articulation and ways to speak and also knacks of being a listener to whom customers would be willing to talk and open their minds.

Seminar on Information Security Measures for Study Abroad Programs

December 2, 2016

at Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Tokyo Shin-toshin office building(Shinjuku)

As IT security measures are one of the most important management tasks for study abroad agents, in this seminar we heard about “Cyber Risk and Personal Information Protection: Examples of Accidents and Response Required for Study Abroad Agents” from Tokio Marine & Nichido Risk Consulting Co., Ltd. Mr. Matsushita. The participants listened intently.
Organized by: JAOS Study Abroad Study Council Cooperation: Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., Tokio Marine & Nichido Risk Consulting Co., Ltd.

Seminar on study abroad in Malaysia

November 17, 2016

at Zenken Plaza conference room

First, we welcomed Mr. Mohd Yazid Abd Hamid, Chief Executive Officer of Education Malaysia Global Services, and he talked about Malaysia’s acceptance policy for foreign students and the role of Education Malaysia Global Services. Then, English Malaysia Representative Ms. Wai Cheng spoke about international students who go to Malaysia to study English. Next, Marketing Manager Mr. Tokunaga from the Malaysian Tourism Bureau introduced examples of Japanese people studying in Malaysia. The seminar, organized by three organizations, included much content and much positivity could be felt for the future of study abroad in Malaysia.
Organized by JAOS, Education Malaysia Global Services

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