Activity report

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |

25th JAOS/FGER Meeting Held

March 2, 2022


The 25th JAOS/FGER (Foreign Government Educational Representative) Meeting was held. This year’s meeting took place via Zoom, and we were grateful to have approximately 60 participants in total. An information exchange session was conducted, including reports from various countries and member updates.

Seminar on New Scheme Guidelines for Payment of Study Abroad Expenses in the Post-COVID Era.

March 2, 2022


An online seminar was held for study abroad providers and university stakeholders. In order to safely resume study abroad for prospective students, study abroad agents, and educational institutions such as language schools, discussions were initiated by the Federation of Education and Language Consultant Associations (FELCA) and the Global Alliance of Education and Language Associations (GAELA) to create new guidelines for establishing a scheme regarding the payment of study abroad expenses. This provided a platform for information sharing and exchange of opinions regarding these initiatives.

Operation of online seminars as part of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology project.

JAOS conducted online seminars as part of a project commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

The instructors are study abroad counselors from JAOS member companies. The seminar is featured on the official website of “Tobitate! Study Abroad Japan” and videos are published on YouTube.

<For high school students, parents, and educators>

◆ Scholarship Seminar for High School Students Wishing to Study at Overseas Universities: Current Affairs in English-speaking countries and Oceania

◆Study in Asian University Seminar: ~ Economically and Increasingly Popular Compared to Domestic Education~

<For university students, parents, and educators>

◆ Choosing to Study at Overseas Graduate Schools: Insights from Previous Exchange Students and Experts from Four Countries – Study Abroad Seminar for Graduate Programs

24th JAOS/FGER Meeting Held

April 23, 2021


The 24th JAOS/FGER (Foreign Government Educational Representative) Meeting was held. In the first half of the lively discussion, FGER presented the latest information on the acceptance of international students from various countries and annual activities, and in the second half, there was a presentation on JAOS statistical survey report. 34 organizations participated from JAOS, and 14 organizations(Education USA, U.S. Embassy,Embassy of Canada to Japan, Australian Embassy Tokyo, Victorian Government Trade and Investment, Tokyo Office, Queensland Government Japan office, Government of Western Australia Tokyo Office, New Zealand Embassy, British Council, Campus France Japon, Ambassade de France au Japon, Italian Cultural Institute Tokyo, Philippines Department of Tourism, Taiwan Education Center Japan) participated from FGER.

JAOS Seminar “Thinking About Studying-Abroad Projects That Will Survive the Post-Coronavirus Age.”

November 27, 2020


Mr. Toyoda spoke to us about future studying-abroad projects that are intended for JAOS members in the JAOS study group, “Thinking About Studying-Abroad Projects That Will Survive the Post-Coronavirus Age.” He represents a company in global training projects and has previous experience managing a company in studying-abroad projects. He told us stories based upon the actual circumstances of participants while throwing in examples of things like online education and blended learning.

JAOS-produced videos on study abroad courses released on the websites for Tobitate! and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

Five videos on study abroad courses produced by JAOS as part of its work for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology have been released on the Toibtate! and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology websites. The videos are designed for high school students who want to go on to study in overseas universities (2 videos), high school teachers (1 video), and university students who are thinking about studying abroad at graduate school (2 videos). The videos are also available on the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s official YouTube channel.


■In the useful guide page for high school students on going on to study in universities abroad


■In the useful guide page for university students on going on to study in graduate schools abroad


■High school teachers

Holding an online seminar for high school teachers as part of a project from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

JAOS has been entrusted with a task from MEXT to hold an online seminar for high school teachers nationwide. The seminar’s title is “Basic knowledge on Study in universities abroad” and the instructor will be a JAOS member and study abroad counselor. The seminar will be held 16 times, from October to December. Applications to participate will be taken at school boards around the country and through the Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow) Study Abroad Initiative website.
See the page at the Tobitate! Study Abroad website.

Seminar outlining legalities related to the impact of Covid-19

July 30, 2020


A seminar was held for JAOS members who are operators in the study abroad industry to explain how, from a legal perspective, to interpret and deal with issues such as refunds related to postponements, cancellations, and mid-course returns to Japan caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The presenter was Mr. Keiichiro Ota, an attorney at law who is our auditor at JAOS. The seminar attracted 40 participants and was very informative, with participants also asking many concrete questions arising from their direct experience of such cases.

23rd JAOS/FGER Meeting Held

February 26, 2020

TKP conferene center Yotsuya

The 23rd JAOS/FGER (Foreign Government Educational Representative) Meeting was held. The first part, from FGER, is about new trends in studying abroad and yearly activities. The second part is JAOS’s statistical research report. The third part is: (1) an exchange of ideas based upon trends in studying abroad/JAOS statistics from JAOS members; and (2) a lively information exchange attributable to participating organizations. 23 organizations participated from JAOS, and 13 organizations (Education USA, Australian Embassy Tokyo, Victorian Government Trade and Investment, Tokyo Office, Queensland Government Japan office, Government of Western Australia Tokyo Office, British Council, New Zealand Embassy, Campus France Japon, Embassy of Canada to Japan, Representing the Government of British Columbia in Japan, Philippines Department of Tourism, Taiwan Education Center Japan, Italian Cultural Institute Tokyo) participated from FGER.

Seminar for Utilization and Productivity of IT Tools

December 13, 2019

Excite T&E Co., Ltd.

This seminar was held with 2 parts.

(1) About Work Optimization Using IT

Work optimization and security were analyzed through topics such as optimization of limited personnel, preparation of an environment that can be supported by small headcount, systems envisioning changes to work styles with more remote work, and transferring and managing analog data to online and shared file servers.

(2) Marketing Automation to Increase Prospective Clients

Industry terms, approaches for unknown marketing, proposals, and case examples were explained regarding how to utilize marketing automation to reach more prospective clients.

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