Activity report

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2001 JAOS General-Meeting: Autumn

December 13 & 14 December 2001

at Hakone-Fujiya Hotel

The 2001 Annual Autumn General-Meeting was attended by 20 participants from 24 member organizations, among which, 6 organizations participated via absentee vote. During the two-day session, annual activity reports concerning JAOS were presented along with an explanation of JAOS’ new organizational structure. The new operating structure consists of the following ‘Task Teams’: – ‘JAOS Standardized Agreement’ Task Team – ‘Member Recruitment’ Task Team – ‘ERA’ Task Team – ‘Member Support’ Task Team Each ‘Task Team’ consists of a ‘chief’ and one additional staff member. Furthermore, updated reports concerning international overseas study business trends were presented on the following subjects: – Federation of Educational and Language Consulting Association (FELCA). – French Norm of France. – European Norm led by the German organization CEN (Center of European Network) represented within 25 countries. – Business trends within the study abroad industry of Europe, where the practice of industry codification is greatly increasing.

JAOS-JATA (Japan Association of Travel Agents) Committee of Homestay Tour Programs (CIEL) Joint Seminar (Held in conjunction with the Kokumin Seikatsu Center (National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan)

December 5, 2001

at Zennitsu Kasumigaseki Bldg, in Tokyo

This seminar primarily focused on reviewing the newly revised “New Consumer Contract Act” from JAOS’ perspective. Through the guidance of a legal expert, JAOS’ understanding of the Act was significantly deepened. In addition, the seminar proved to be successful in that it gave members of JAOS and travel agents of JATA an opportunity to cooperatively review travels laws and create a basis for better future collaboration. It is noteworthy is that Dr. Koichi Hosokawa from National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan commented that Japan’s significant trend towards administrative deregulation reflected (was underpinned by) the expectations of self-imposed restriction within the industry. Because this is exactly what JAOS is aspiring to, the seminar was quite encouraging to us.

JAOS – ERA Joint Meeting

November 5, 2001

at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo

ERA (Educational Representatives Association of Embassies) consists of educational attaches from the Tokyo embassies of Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK, USA and France. The fifth meeting was held at the Canadian Embassy in Tokyo with the honorable presence of the Canadian Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Robert Wright. This meeting gave the participants a useful opportunity to actively discuss and exchange information on the aftereffects of the events of September 11th. Topics not only included the study abroad markets of Japan and the U.S., but of many other countries as well.