July 12, 2016
at Zenken Plaza conference room
Under the theme of “Hear from industry leaders: “Analyzing the study abroad industry in five years’ time”~ The study abroad market after the Tokyo Olympics~”, Ms. Yukari Kato (Vice President of study abroad journal) Mr. Akihisa Yamazoe (Daily Education Inc. Managing Director) and Mr. Masakazu Manabe (CEO, DEOW Co., Ltd.) held a panel discussion.
July 8, 2016
at American Embassy
· Learn the latest information on visa application essential to the procedure to study abroad in the United States
· Find out the appeals and trends of studying abroad in the USA
· Meet with the US Embassy Department of Commerce Department and Visa Section and hear from them directly
June 22, 2016
at Shinjuku Nomura Building (Shinjuku, Tokyo)
The 2016 JAOS spring general meeting was held with 45 organizations (including five attending by proxy) and 65 individuals in attendance. After explanations of the 2016 business plan by the executive secretary and the financial statement from Mr. Nakano who is JAOS auditors and Accountants, each management committee presented an activity report and explanation of its schedule for the upcoming season. During the break period, business cards were exchanged, and a free discussion was held, resulting in a exchange of information and vigorous opinions. At the study session, Ms. Nishikawa from MEXT Tobidate Study Abroad Program gave an update on the program, and the past scholarship recipient student presented his own personal experiences.
June 14, 2016
at Zenken Plaza conference room1
“Forecasting Study Abroad Industry Five Years Later” is the first of a two-part series, the second part being entitled “The Market for Overseas Study After the Tokyo Olympics.” After the great success of JAOS’s two-part seminar—consisting of JAOS Executive Secretary Tatsuhiko Hoshino’s seminar “Trends in Study Abroad Among Japanese Students: A Statistical View” and a lecture by JAOS Chairman Masaru Yamada. A post-seminar get-together was held where participants mingled and exchanged business cards.
April 23 & May 14, 2016
British Council
The British Council and JAOS collaboratively promote “UK Summer study for teens”. Information sessions for each course and a UK English study abroad seminar by the British Council were held. Host: British Council
JAOS has teamed with the British Council to launch a promotional campaign to raise public awareness of overseas English-language study programs for middle-school students. The foundation of this campaign will be the introduction of an overseas study program in which middle-school students can participate during their summer vacations. The program is offered in cooperation with seven schools teaching British English certified by the British Council and six overseas study agencies that are members of JAOS.
March 15, 2016
at Zenken Plaza conference room
This seminar is targeted toward professionals on the management level in the overseas study industry. JAOS chairman Masaru Yamada spoke at the event. The seminar examined the fundraising challenges and relationships with financial institutions encountered at each stage, from launch to growth, and introduce IPOs and MBOs.
February 24, 2016
at AIG Training Center ( Kinshi-cho, Tokyo)
A regular meeting was held between the education/commerce departments of foreign embassies in Tokyo, the education sectors of each country’s government, and JAOS members. This was the 19th JAOS/FGER (Foreign Government Educational Representative) Meeting. 36 organizations and 8 government agencies participated in this meeting. In addition to each country reporting on their overseas education trends and announcing their efforts to promote overseas education, JAOS members provided market trends. A lively exchange of ideas between the participating organizations also took place. 8 organizations (U.S. Commercial Service, Japan-U.S. Educational Commission, Embassy of Canada, Australian Embassy Marketing Office, Queensland Government Japan Office, British Council, New Zealand Embassy/Education New Zealand, Campus France) participated from FGER.
February 22, 2016
at Shinjuku Nomura Building (Shinjuku, Tokyo)
ICEF Vice President Mike Henniger and JAOS Director Ueoku held a seminar entitled “About the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC), which was established by universities in the United States” to study the current trends and benefits of using study abroad agents. Mike Henniger was previously the Director of International Marketing at Thompson Rivers University and is now Vice President of ICEF, an event that seeks to match up educational institutions located overseas recruiting international students with study abroad agents.
January 19, 2016
at Zenken Plaza conference room
This seminar is targeted to professionals at the management level of the study abroad industry. JAOS chairman Masaru Yamada gave a talk on the themes of “Methods and Know-How in New Product Development” and “Human Resource Discovery That Leads to Success.”